The Archives – Introduction

THE SCHOOL ARCHIVES are a collection of photographs, objects and documents, both official and informal, relating to the history of Mills Grammar School, Framlingham Area/Modern School and Thomas Mills High School. There is also a small collection of items relating to local history or to educational developments.

Some of the items were found in school, but the majority have been donated by individuals or organisations interested with the school or its past.

THE ARCHIVES are housed in a specialist room with a display section in the School Library. The archives are available on request to staff, pupils, former staff and pupils or members of the local community, under normal terms and conditions, designed to protect the collection.

THE CATALOGUE is in the form of a database accessible on the school ICT network: at the last count, there were over 5000 entries. Searching for them is, however, quite easy using the database – please seek assistance, if you require it, from the librarian.

A small selection of items, which are listed in full in the catalogue, are RESTRICTED ACCESS ONLY. This is usually because they contain information which living people MIGHT find embarrassing. If you wish to view such an item, you must first seek the approval either of the Headteacher or Senior Teacher, Mr R H Hanley.

The school governors have laid down as their policy that, once accepted into THE SCHOOL ARCHIVES, items cannot be disposed of.